Adam Hoffman and Myles McKnight /February 21, 2023
By Ishmael son of Nethaniah The following content is satire. See here for the Daily Princetonian piece it parodies. The first time that I ever received any serious reprimand for misbehavior in school was in the seventh grade. At the suburban midwestern Jewish Day School I attended from ages 8 to 14, we […]
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Danielle Shapiro /February 20, 2023
Zachariah Sippy ’23 argued in a recent op-ed that the Princeton Office of Religious Life’s (ORL) decision to include Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) and Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) on a list of religious holidays is exclusionary to “non- and anti-Zionist” Jewish students. Sippy spills a lot of ink detailing the litany of political […]
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Myles McKnight /February 10, 2023
It was a mistake for the Department of English to invite Mohammed El-Kurd, a deeply unserious “influencer” and plain antisemite, to campus. It was equally a mistake for some students to call on the Department to condemn its own event. In response to that call, Jeff Dolven, Acting Chair of the English Department, set out […]
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Osamede Ogbomo /January 17, 2023
Last semester, I took an African American Studies Class called “The Philosophy of Race.” I’m glad I took the class – it offered me a new perspective and insight into the enslavement of black people in the United States and the current condition of black Americans. I read the best works of black literary […]
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Darius Gross /December 21, 2022
The GOP envisions itself as staunch supporters of America in all of its beauty. In 2020, former president Trump ordered that public architecture imitate classical styles in order to “inspire the human spirit” and “ennoble the United States.” This is a definite step in the right direction, and should be applauded by anyone who appreciates […]
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Zach Gardner /December 20, 2022
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the […]
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Ethan Hicks /December 20, 2022
Princeton claims it is “committed to free and open inquiry in all matters” and promises to promote “a lively and fearless freedom of debate and deliberation,” according to the University’s Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities. The University is not living up to these high ideals. A recent survey of conservative students on campus conducted by the […]
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James Daniels and Adam Hoffman and Adam Hoffman /November 14, 2022
Princeton University’s announcement on September 29th to dissociate from the fossil fuel industry was inescapable. After major institutions like Harvard and Brown succumbed to public pressure, it was only a matter of time before Princeton would follow suit, eliminating fossil fuel holdings from its endowment and banning funding from hydrocarbon producing corporations. While the decision […]
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Alexandra Orbuch /November 14, 2022
On the evening of November 13, 2022, the treasurer of Princeton’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG), Adam Hoffman, proposed that the USG Senate sponsor a referendum supporting the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism. That proposal, which needed nine votes to become a Senate-sponsored referendum and appear before the student […]
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Alexandra Orbuch /November 6, 2022
On Friday, November 5, 2022, Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP) released a statement calling on the University to boycott Israel TigerTrek, a student-led winter break trip that brings a Princeton cohort to Israel to meet with key players in the nation’s high-tech startup industry. PCP, led by Eric Periman ‘23, has a history of being […]
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Ethan Hicks /November 6, 2022
The upcoming election between J.D. Vance and Tim Ryan for the vacant Ohio U.S. Senate seat is critical for both parties, as Senate control will likely be decided by a few contested races. Things are heating up as the candidates trade insults during debates and chuck footballs while calling the opposition’s policies “bullsh*t” during non-stop […]
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Jaden Stewart /November 5, 2022
When I first stepped onto Princeton’s campus, I was surprised by what appeared to be a significant lack of wokeness. Throughout my childhood, I had been told by my conservative friends, family, and the media that the modern university is the bastion of progressive indoctrination. And while our University’s progressive bias is certainly evident, the […]
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