The Leading Princeton Publication of Conservative Thought


Birth Control and Healthcare

/November 3, 2017

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. “A man who bleeds from his genitals every month has a medical problem,” my philosophy professor once quipped while discussing Plato’s Meno, “yet a woman who bleeds every month is healthy.” While there is a unified concept of health, Plato argued, how it […]

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Socrates on Pleasure

/October 23, 2017

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. Socrates, coming across Modernigias staring pensively into the Woody Woo Fountain, begins to question him. SOCRATES: What, my dear friend, brings you to gaze upon this bronze fountain? MODERNIGIAS: To experience the pleasure of its unpredictable meanderings. SOCRATES: Do you speak Greek? MODERNIGIAS: […]

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Effecting a Permanent Iranian Denuclearization

/October 13, 2017

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. In April 2015, the Obama administration and five other world powers reached an agreement with Iran to lift economic sanctions in exchange for reductions in the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Negotiating with the United States, Russia, China, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, […]

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It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! The Pitfalls of Flying Solo in Congress

/October 7, 2017

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. Gridlock in recent years between Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill has led to increasing focus on the intricate process used to move major legislation through Congress. In 2009-10, Democratic leaders wielding significant majorities in both chambers encountered major hurdles in passing Obamacare […]

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A Conversation on Personhood: Part I

/October 7, 2017

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part dialogue on personhood by RJ Snell and Matthew Penza. “RJ” and “Matthew” in the dialogue are fictionalized versions of the authors. Matthew may have written or modified significant portions of RJ’s speech, and vice […]

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#OccupyMarx: Meet My Demands

/February 28, 2016

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. Trigger warnings: racial discrimination, anti-Semitism, sexism, slavery, homophobia, rape, war violence, and Woodrow Wilson.  Princeton University has a disgusting history of racial discrimination and the subjugation of marginalized peoples. It has at some point or another committed grave injustices against the most vulnerable […]

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