Dear Tories,
I’m happy to address you for the first time. The Tory is not just a publication, it is an intellectual community and an impressively stimulating one at that. You, the Tory’s readership, alongside the Tory’s managing board and staff, constitute an integral building block of this community. Through your questions and comments, words of praise and brickbats, the Tory is improved, moving further and further in the right direction.
Under Christian Schmidt’s administration, I was happy to join the staff and create a robust news team, focused on covering topics and perspectives overlooked by other campus publications. Under the Tory’s current administration, I have continued to push for greater experimentation and innovation when it comes to content. The Tory’s new cartoon team, spearheaded by Grace Koh, was a personal project of mine that’s proved to be a resounding success. Find Grace’s cartoon debut here.
The Saturday Essay series was also something I was excited to introduce. Inspired by The Wall Street Journal‘s series of the same name and selected by me, the Tory’s Saturday Essay will allow our readers to start their weekends with the best of our content. I very much hope that it will be continued by future Editors-in-Chief. Read the first two pieces in the series – both by the tremendously insightful Will Nolan – here and here.
It is my pleasure to now introduce the Tory’s first opinion column in recent memory: The Lawsplainer. Senior Opinion Editor Akhil Rajasekar, who so eloquently denounced the push for District of Columbia statehood last month, will serve as the Tory’s resident commentator on all things legal and constitutional. As Founder and President of the Princeton Federalist Society, Akhil is a leader in Princeton’s small but influential pre-law community. His legal paradigm of original-meaning textualism, supremely relevant in the Trump era, warrants a platform in the pages of the Tory. Both Joaquim and I are excited to see what Akhil will accomplish. Find his first piece here.
The Tory is an institution committed to the free exchange of ideas and information. It is through your input that we can make sure we are living up to this standard. I implore you to contact either me or Joaquim and let us know what you think of the 35th Managing Board’s performance.
Until next time,
Jeff Zymeri ’20
The Princeton Tory
Graphic design by Grace Koh ’20.
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