In recent years, the Democrats have struggled to define a stance on Israel – and Princeton College Democrats (College Dems) are no exception. While Princeton College Dems is in alignment with the national Democratic party on several key issues, they depart on the question of Israel and treatment of Jews. According to their website, Princeton College Dems “work to support both Democratic ideals and candidates” and “span the ideological range of the Democratic Party, from Blue Dog Moderates to Democratic Socialists.” However, a Tory investigation has revealed that Princeton College Dems has become hostile to liberal pro-Israel students, alienating many Jewish students on Princeton’s campus.
In May 2020, two visibly Jewish students were harassed in antisemitic events around Princeton’s campus, and in the months following, online anonymous Princeton forums were flooded with antisemitic content. As the Tory has reported, Jewish students were left on edge. “As a Jewish student, observing anti-Israel mobs harass and assault Jews all over the world is concerning. I feel unsafe because many faculty members and students echo, sympathize with, and encourage the violent attitude of these mobs. Whether their hate is truly antisemitic, or simply misplaced ‘compassion,’ it doesn’t make a difference to the Jew hiding his yarmulke under a baseball cap,” Peter Brown ‘24 told the Tory at the time.
However, some on campus believed that the treatment of Palestinians was a larger issue. “We must be more attentive to the enduring oppression of the Palestinian people,” Benjamin Roberts ‘22 of the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP) wrote to the Tory of antisemitic campus discourse at the time.
PCP has long been dogged by accusations of antisemitism. In 2019, PCP hosted Norman Finkelstein *87 in an event The Daily Princetonian called “anti-semitic.” In November 2021, PCP invited and hosted known antisemite Lamis Deek, who has preached historic antisemitic conspiracy theories. On campus, Deek acclaimed Hamas, a group whose founding charter calls for genocides against the Jewish people and routinely targets civilians in Israel. This history, though, has been welcomed by Princeton College Dems.
On November 16, 2021, Princeton College Dems partnered with PCP for an event titled, “PCP Talk with College Dems.” While the event was branded as opportunity to showcase and honor PCP’s self-reported advocacy for Palestinian human rights, some have questioned PCP could act as a trusted source on Jewish questions and present a fair account of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In the official presentation by Eric Periman ‘23, the historic relationship between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel was dismissed and an unbalanced account of the location’s history was provided. Periman could not be reached for comment.
However, Princeton College Dems did not express hesitation on their partnership with PCP or the content of the presentation. Princeton College Dems also did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Several students expressed that this event amounts to an excusal of antisemitism by Princeton College Dems and a position on an unsettled issue among progressives. Max Hines ‘25, a Democrat and Zionist, stated that “supporting the existence of the State of Israel should not be a radical position.” He then noted that a lack of pro-Israel voices runs the risk of presenting a “false image of the Democratic Party.” Hines hoped that College Dems would allow for pro-Israel Democrats, who make up the majority of the national party, to feel represented while also allowing for differing viewpoints to be heard respectfully.
While Princeton College Dems works closely with PCP, they have rejected overtures from Tigers for Israel (TFI), Princeton’s nonpartisan pro-Israel student group. According to TFI, in November 2021, Princeton College Dems rejected a co-sponsorship of an event featuring Dennis Ross, a lifelong Democrat who worked actively with the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations.
Harrison Snowden ‘22, president of TFI, expressed disappointment in Princeton College Dems’ exclusion of pro-Israel students from their community. “I have never seen College Dems host programs or say things that are pro-Israel and I have never seen them team up with TFI on anything,” Snowden said, yet remained hopeful of possible collaborations in the future. As of January 2022, Princeton College Dems has not agreed to co-host an event with TFI.
Princeton College Democrats run a risk of effectively excluding Jewish students from their club. Hines ‘25 noted in his interview with the Tory, “not welcoming speakers from TFI runs the risk of outcasting many Democratic Princetonians, including myself, who are members of the bipartisan TFI community and also proud Democrats.” Several other students who identify as Progressive and Pro-Israel did not feel comfortable speaking to the Tory, citing their discomfort in being publicly identified as Zionist. Historically, Jews have found a home in the Democrat party, even on the college campus. Recent actions by Princeton College Dems have made Jewish students question their place in the club. Students have asked themselves how they can affiliate with a club that can legitimize antisemitism and reject partnerships with a nonpartisan pro-Israel group.
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