TZ Horton '15 /February 19, 2015
There is something satisfying about coming full circle. The first and only full article I’ve written for the Tory was about the virtue of humility at Princeton. Now I’d like to bring my tenure as Publisher to a close with the same topic for this letter. This choice is not just a neat way to […]
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Evan Draim '17 /February 19, 2015
Nobody likes a sore winner, but sore losers can be even worse. While growing up, you were probably told by your parents to learn from your failures and not make excuses for them. Evidently, however, based upon their reactions to the results of this year’s midterm elections, liberal journalists and Democratic lawmakers did not learn […]
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Valerie Wilson '18 /February 19, 2015
The epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses and the often-shockingly inept manner in which universities handle allegations are much-discussed—and rightly so. But while the practices of specific institutions are often inspected in minute detail, the policy that currently regulates how universities deal with assault on a general level has escaped the critical commentary it […]
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James Haynes '18 and Beau Lovdahl '15 /February 19, 2015
In the first of a series of articles, the Tory examines the status of Princeton’s eating clubs and their relationships with the University. Introduction When Princeton undergraduates decided to break themselves off University sustenance in the late nineteenth century and form their own dining communities, they began a system that has lasted until today: the […]
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Connor Pfeiffer '18 /February 19, 2015
Ever since the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a constitutional exercise of Congress’ power to tax in NFIB v. Sebelius (2012), opponents of the law have sought other legal avenues to overturn or cripple parts of the law. This has included a common […]
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Josh Zuckerman '16 /February 19, 2015
The death of any innocent citizen at the hands of police officers is a moral travesty. Should officers’ use of deadly force be racially motivated, the ills of this already indefensible crime are compounded. In recent months, the issue of police brutality has been thrust into the national spotlight by the deaths of Michael Brown […]
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Thomas Clark '18 /February 19, 2015
Fr. Bryan Page, the new chaplain at the Aquinas Institute, sat down with the Tory to answer questions about the Catholic chaplaincy. Fr. Bryan replaces Fr. Dave Swantek, who was called back to a parish. Originally from Jersey City, NJ, Fr. Bryan comes to Princeton after several years as a parish priest. The Aquinas Institute […]
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