Publisher Letter
/November 13, 2009The November Issue is in! Hear what our publisher has to say about a recent campus debate or move right on to our articles. This month the Tory takes aim at GNH, OA, and Campus Club.
The November Issue is in! Hear what our publisher has to say about a recent campus debate or move right on to our articles. This month the Tory takes aim at GNH, OA, and Campus Club.
by Brian Reiser I did not quite know what to expect during Outdoor Action, my first true Princeton experience. I had heard only positive comments about the OA trips and how they were a good introduction to campus life. I was excited about Princeton and the opportunities that would soon be open to me, but […]
by Nicholas Elan ’11 In many ways, the new Campus Club has much to recommend it. The former eating club, which shut its doors in 2005 and is now owned by the University, has been restored to a fine condition and is splendidly furnished following 18 months of renovation work. But the most striking aspect […]
In this edition of Points & Punts, Tory members reveal this year’s other recipients of the Nobel Prize, poke fun at RINOs, offer the Prince and their readers some writing tips, and thank the administration for the new “facilities.” ****************************************************************************************** Breaking News from Scandinavia! The 2009 Nobel Prize for Economics: Sam Norton ’12, who achieved […]
by Alfred Miller ’11 and Raphael Murillo ’12 Get a room! That’s the new option the University is offering to campus lovebirds with next year’s “gender-neutral housing” pilot program. Next year, upperclassmen drawing into Spelman will have the opportunity to live with members of the opposite sex. Student government president Connor Diemand-Yauman ’10 proudly announced […]
by Amy Osterman ’10 Given Princeton’s recent announcement about the introduction of gender-neutral housing, it would be instructive to look at other Ivy Leagues who have introduced programs. Two principal arguments have been articulated for instituting gender-neutral housing. The first frames the argument as a solution to a special need, noting that there are students […]
by Matthew Sanyour ’11 As the new semester was approaching its midway point, I had the opportunity to discuss campus issues, some old, some new, with our sitting USG President, Connor Diemand-Yauman ’10. This psychology major from Ohio is something of an unusual figure in campus politics. Unlike his more recent predecessors, Diemand-Yauman has held […]
by Brandon McGinley ’10 “[T]he fact that [gender-neutral housing] happened with relatively little fanfare speaks very, very well for this university and its administration.” Thus wrote Emily Rutherford ’12 in her blog post “breaking” the story about Princeton’s gender-neutral housing pilot program, which was announced by USG President Connor Diemand-Yauman ’10 in an email to […]
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